India Lost and Found aims to draw attention to our ailing Indian heritage before it is lost forever. The idea is to inspire conversation and create awareness about these monumental yet neglected relics, especially by mobilizing the youth. Through increased footfall, ILF hopes to encourage domestic tourism and empower local communities to help in its conservation. Through a knowledge network of ILF Experts, interpreting these monuments both from the tangible as we as intangible viewpoints, we are creating an online resource on the lesser known monuments of India. We firmly believe that in order to attract the youth towards the panorama of Indian monuments, we need to redefine the meaning of our heritage and view it as a living eco-system that it once was.
In time we hope to seed the search engines on the net with intelligent information so that when the youth search for historical Indian architecture or merely hunt for the untold monuments of ancient India, they may chance upon our resource. As we proceed we plan to make this resource on Indian culture freely available to all online repositories of knowledge.
Our ILF Youth wing is currently working towards beginning a heritage program with colleges across India wherein the youth will be mobilized towards ideation and content creation.
IndiaFound Workshops is planning a series of ‘Photography of the Lesser Known India’ workshops.